Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.

C.S Lewis

Monday, October 31, 2011

Can I just say............. I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!

Ok - it's been quite a while since I've written in this blog!
I've been racking my brain for months trying to figure out what would be a worthy blog story..... well something's just popped up!
Well more like someone popped the question , and I said YES! If nothing else, i needed a freakin' good story!

The Beginning:

It all started when I invited myself to dinner at this super handsome /hot guys house!!
I spotted him at church and ..well..... that's where it all began!

Marcus (that's his name) and I have been dating for a little less than a year - and don't say woaw thats not long - whatev's, when you know you know! :)
We've pretty much had the most fun all year - galavanting to the hills of Wales and crossing the sea to the rugged countryside of Ireland. Skiving off for weekends all over the country with fabulous friends and family. Glow sticks and feathers at Glastonbury kicked off the summer festivities followed by more weekend breaks to slightly extravagant English country homes, then a flight over to Majorca for a weekend of hitch-hiking and simply luxurious pampering by the pool!

The Man:

Aside from ALL of the above (and many more to come) I LOVE this Man!
He is seriously a legend and I could not be more happy and blessed to be marrying him!! (ahahhhahaha)!!
He is patient and kind and totally gorgeous and loving and humble and Totally Gorgeous and peacful and helpful and wise and smart and understanding and amazing......and TOtally GOrgeous! i could go on But i dont want to share too much or someone will try and steal him!

The Proposal:   

There had been a few hints and 'when we are married' chats over the past month or so - but nothing that would give too much away and spoil the surprise!

So on Saturday the 22nd of October while my sister Elizabeth, our friend Sam and I were supervising our apartment as it was being recarpeted - Marcus conveniently said he had 'Birthday preparations' to do!! Perfect plan as it was a totally logical thing to be doing since my birthday was in a week and preparations would be the thing to do whilst I was pre-occupied! :)
Little did I know he had googled my dad on thursday and found his phone number, and had arranged to drive 3 hours North of London to have lunch with my parents and ask for my hand in marriage!!! woop woop!
I think when Marcus left, my parents rolled around the floor with laughter and such excitment, then came to their senses and celebrated the propsal to be with a glass of champagne!!

As the week began, I lived my life blissfully unaware of the nervous sweat patches my sweet man was gathering as he prepared for thursdays propsal festivities!!!

Thursday 27th October 2011:
Marcus insisted we hang out on thursday after work as we had both been really busy during the week and trying to squeeze time in for us to get some quality time is always an 'open your diary and pencil you in' kinda moment!!
He seemed pretty eager to come to meet me after work - which was a pleasant surprise.
I had no details of the evening aside from a muffled - 'lets just go for a walk and grab a quick bite to eat'!
So we met after work and began to walk through this really gorgeous part of London by all the old, historic Law buildings which leads down to the Thames river walk.
He pretty much marched us to Waterloo bridge - although I thought he was skipping the best parts, I was too busy talking the ears off him to really notice!!
We finally (to his relief) arrived at Waterloo bridge.
This is my favourite bridge as although it is the least pleasing to the eye - it has the best view of all the London bridges and thats what i love about it!!
All of a sudden we stopped walking - he let me hold his umbrella as he gathered his bearings and said: ' I'd like to ask you something'!!! Ahhhaaha!!! ....... Will you marry me?!!
Me: what?!! are you serious?? Seriously?! is this for real?!! what?!!! serious???!!!
Marcus: Yes!!! I'm serious!! I want to Marry you!
Me: Aahahaha!!!! Seriously?!!! ...............Yes!!! of course I will!!!
Me: Did you ask my Dad??!!! Are you flipping serious?!
Marcus: Yes - I have the ring!
Me: Aaahhaahhaa!!!!
Marcus: I went to Visit your Parents on Saturday!
Me: you did??!!
Me: phew because i thought you were shopping for my birthday present and i got a little worried! :)!!!
Me: But this is WAY better!!!

The Ring:

Me: Oh my gosh!!!! this is Beautiful!!!
This is exactly what i would have wanted!!!

Anyway - that's basically how it went down on Waterloo bridge the evening of Thursday 27th October!!
Then my Fiance whisked me off to THE Wolsely on Piccadilly for celebrations and for the shock to set in and the tears to arrive!!

We're getting Married.................... well, just watch this space! :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas time and the Irish!

Well i understand what people are talking about when they say the Irish are friendly!!
i mean... i knew it! i did... but - i forgot!

So My journey home for Christmas - get to Euston station in London, after a hectic week of delays and cancellations the lines of hot tempered people were plenty and across the board were the words Delayed.....!
But thank goodness i knew these things so arrived at the station 2 hrs early!!
 i made it on an earlier train... as soon as the platform number went up on the screen, a huge crowd of mostly Irish ran as fast as they could to the train! My suitcase was ridiculously heavy from presents.... must learn how to pack lighter!
It was funny sitting on a train from London packed full of Irish accents.
I sat back during the 5 hr train journey and listened to the culture and people i used to know so well.

With the Irish it is as if you've known each other for years! They find something in common with the other (mainly complaining about the current situation), as they f and blime over this particular annoyance they have a great laugh - definitely a drink, and turn the negative into something fun to shout about!
As i traveled on the train i met some great Irish who'd come to London to study or just get out of the 'hole' that is Ireland!
But generally 'we miss the deadly buzz of the Irish" said a guy on the train! He said we're all so 'f****in  deadly'!!!
yup - gotta love the Irish!

As we all got off the train and waited in the cold small, boat waiting area, i shared my crisps with a guy from Ireland and watched the rest of the clann settle into chairs and onto the ground were drinking and loud 'banter' became the highlight of that remote freezing waiting room!
Everyone had something to shout about and complain about - which meant everyone became friends! And cheersed each other for the 'f****in' situation they were in - 'a whole arse load of travelling'!!

I know i said the 'f' word was practically part of the Irish language - but actually, after my trip I know it to be true!!!
(I had to stop typing for a second as I thought i heard the cows going mad outside!- but in fact its a bunch of drunken Irish singing carols!!)
Anyway - back to the journey.
As I got on the boat i found a space in a corner , settled myself down and tucked my bag under my head - it was 2.30am and everyone was just drinkin cause they couldn't sleep.
I slept for about 3 hours until an old drunk lady sat on my head! Yup!
I sat straight up and figured out what just happened, she was about 50 completely drunk and as her friends said ' Mary you have a huge white arse'!
So as I woke up and watched this lady take a resting position in front of me all i could see with my sleep eyes was in fact her huge saggy white arse!
This then became the event of the morning (5-7am) as i adjusted to being awake i was entertained by these 3 individuals talking to Mary the huge white arsed drunk and tellin her to cover it up cause i (me) didn't want to be lookin at it this early in the morning!!
I could not stop laughing as her only words were ' f**k off ' or 'you have a fat f***in mouth' f this f that, but she was sooo drunk she couldn't even speak properly!
When she sat up she stared at me and suddenly realised she was not in her own bed at home but on a boat publicly displaying her 'fat arse' to me!
She took a double look and said 'Jesus I f***in thought i was at home'!
The morning continued with her then wanting another drink, which thank goodness her friends refused to 'fuel that'!
She asked me to buy one for her, which i refused, but kindly offered her some of my celery - she refused- told me to 'f**k off'!!
She kept looking at my mouth and told me to open up, how did i get such 'f***kin white teeth'?
She said ' I lost my 2 front teeth - f**kin left them at home'!! It was true, she had left them at home!
She wanted mine, but i told her no!

Sweet Mary has 11 kids, apparently all boys, 10 grandchildren and 5 great grand children! her father just died so she was pissed (drunk) she told me.

At 7am we finally got to Dublin port and everyone waited eagerly to get off the boat. We all laughed at random comments made in the queue, different things about the 'f**kin deadly Irish' or how no one wanted to ' wait any f**in longer on this feckin arse of a boat' etc....!!
We are a fouled mouthed dirty race - but i tell ya- the Irish are a great laugh!!!!
Welcome home! 

Dad met me at the boat and we drove back to Castlecomer creeping along the roads because of all the snow and ice.
Everything is coated in white here and it is absolutely beautiful! The sun as it rises and sets has been leaving this magnificent orange, pink and purple glow along the top of the hills and fields, against the white this is a stunning sight! I love this time of year!!
On our way to church this morning we got stuck driving up a hill! All 5 of us had to get out and try to push the car up the hill, although we were all in heels or generally no-grip shoes, so pushing was near to impossible in our Christmas best! We eventually got the car up the hill and we all jumped in and slid along the road to the church! A site to see, but not an uncommon event for the Stewart family!
When we got to the church the Dean told us he had to leave his car running during the service as the starter was tempermental and he had to get to Galway (west of Ireland) after the service!!

We all went sledging after dinner, even the parents joined in in the festivities and dad was a trooper, he shouted and laughed out of fear all the way down the hill almost causing mini avalanches! 1 time was good enough for him!
Mum trained Auntie Sophie how to let loose and sledge down a baby hump! Well done Soph!!

Well that's all from me for now!

Merry Feckin Christmas to you all!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Difference between Want and Need . . .

Being in the city has brought up all kinds of wants and many "I really want that"! sayings.
For instance every time I walk into work I think - ugh, I cannot wait to get paid at the end of the month because I want - That.....skirt or dress or necklace or bowl!!
I think the enticement of the % discount makes me "Want" for these things MUCH more than normal!! ;)
Then being in Europe makes me want to visit:  here
                                                                          in this
                                                                     i want!!! ;)
I Want, to find my "hub" aka my very own place in this vast congested city i live in. I want ALL the vintage things in the Spitafields market on Sundays  -
I Want for too much right now and it's becoming outrageous! Seriously - as I've spent all my monthly pay check in my head before it's even in the bank!! Stop it Anna -Control yourself! ;)
I've discovered other things I want.........
I watched a movie today called: The Secret Life of Bee's, guess where it was filmed? South Carolina - SO I cried, cause I'm a bit homesick, I want  Charleston to be apart of my home forever.
Although - Ireland(Kerry) will always be home too! 
I want a new pair of shoes ;) they soooo cute.....
I want a certain person back in my life....
All these wants are exhausting me!
Because for most of these "Wants" I Need

a bit of cash!!
a big (bike basket) to hold all the items while I cycle across the city....
and most importantly I Need
I Need to Know Him more, I Need to Want more of Him, i Need Him to rule my thoughts..... and my bank account it seems!! ;)
I have plenty of time to want, shop and explore, although recently I have been thinking it all needs to happen right now! So I've felt the wants have begun to take over my thoughts and have taken over what it is I really Want/need in my life:

So when I start to want over my need, I'll fall to the ground in humility (even if it is in front of Urban outfitters or that fab shoe shop in town)! And wait for His Grace to pick me up and remind me that I've nothing in my bank account!!! aaarrrggg!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bits and Pieces...

The Blue path is for Cyclists! Yey! I've found bike paths all over the city!
It's like following the Yellow brick road, except it's blue and not brick! But boy am I excited!

I discovered that if i follow a road it leads me to a blue path which goes straight to one of my favourite places so far - Southwark (pronounced Suth-uck! not South Wark as i had thought!!)
There are great cafes and bars, and fab boutiques and an Orchard garden made out of those wooden crate thingys! Completely reused and recycled in the middle of the city - love it!
As i cycle, my bike squeaks. It turns heads and i just smile and think - i love my squeaky bike!
It makes me laugh how squeak free everyone else' bikes are.....and as i cycle and push that left pedal down SSSSQQQQUUUEEAAKKKK - life is imperfect. mine has a squeak. i will fix it. but it'll come back, maybe not on my bike - maybe in my door or my bed or my floor. there will always be a squeak in my life! So I'll name it and welcome it!
My blue path takes me to so many back streets and "hidden" areas were cars wouldn't dare venture! I get to discover places I like/love/loath and decide where my "hub" will be and were it will not! A place were i can always go to for shops,coffee,tea,green grass,good blue path and exciting inspiring people to watch.
I love the parks. there are so many amazing huge parks here and i love them.
We had a world culture weekend last week and i got to sit with the hippies (1st ones i've seen since i've been here!) and listen to Columbian, Argentinian, Afgani and Afrian music, they played for free and everyone just sat around enjoying the music in the park under the sun.

God has created this Amazing world, with the most beautiful cultures, people, lifestyles, landscapes, foods, and so much more! Being here in London has given me such a thirst to explore! I've got the travel bug!!
There are Shakespeare plays in the West End park until October, and it's Brazilian month at the Southbank (along the river), where they have music, food, dancing and entertainment (free) for the whole month! 
I went to my sister's boyfriends family home last week as their street was having a party! It was the most fun, food, drink, music and lots of people to chat to! Then there was the dancing!!! oh the dancing! No matter what age you were - you were going to dance to the Macarena.

So - I'm off to find another blue path with my Squeak! 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

London and I

London and I.....
Well we had a bit of a falling out last week when London decided to change roads on me right in the middle of my map, without telling me.....during a desperate attempt to make a meeting on time - whilst cycling my bike across it's vast city terrain!

I shouted at London for it's ridiculous excuses for "roads" and the "Harry Potter" style "Staircases" that change half way up them!!
Thus I was an hr late for my meeting, disgustingly sweaty, delirious and simply not in the mood anymore.
I also think I'm going to have serious bladder problems after cycling these roads! Think - Driving through a Safari/rough terrain in a Jeep with No suspension....Bumpy!Or Flying in a box with wings in the sky across San Fransisco with the most turbulence known to man!! (Barclay you know what I'm talkin bout!)
Take 2: Giving London a second chance....
I decided to cycle to a place called Wandsworth where my sister and her beau were hanging out.....
It should be about a 40 minute cycle BUT! Due to the absence of one major right turn I was supposed to take but could not find! That 40 minutes turned into a 2hour bike ride - I never ask for directions either because as proven, people are useless when directing a lost, tired, sweaty woman with her last nerve waring dangerously thin!
Yup - thank you woman in beige for directing me to do a COMPLETE circle that took me 20 minutes to end right back where i found her!! Hahahaha!

Take 3!
All that being said! I had a fabulous relaxing detox in Wandsworth and great company! Sitting reading my book in the garden with friends - perfect day in London, also Elizabeth and I decided to have a picnic in the park by Westminster - Salad, Salmon, bread and wine - best picnic ever! Lovely park, wave to the Queen (we'll pop over for tea in a bit!)
Then I got a job! Yey! Well it's not exactly what I was looking for but hey! I'm working finally!!
In - Anthropologie!! yes ladies Megan, Lulie, Rachel and Wim now I can finally stop drooling over your clothes and have somes of my own!!
So I made it to and from work in one piece and sans getting lost!
I also made it to a Fashion Group Picnic in the St. James Park which turned out to be so much fun! Met a lady who just wrote a book about Kate Moss's Fashion!! Cannot wait to have more chats with her! ;)

So London, maybe we could be friends after all...............
I think She may have been a tad bit Jealous as I keep calling Charleston home - but She's just going to have to be my friend regardless of that Fact!
London and I - True Love of just a fun adventure? . . . Stay tuned!!

Oh and it is my parents 26th Wedding anniversary tomorrow! Still going strong and loving every minute of their lives together through thick and thin, better and worse!! Thank you Jesus!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Roads to travel...

Well, here I am... In London! What a huge flipping city...Huge!
I arrived in London just over 2 weeks ago and jumped straight into the city! No holding back...
On the streets of London there is certainly NO wrong way to dress.... well according to the people here! I'm not sure I agree with this... in fact I know I do not! Certainly wouldn't get away with these "styles" in Charleston, but it does give one something interesting to look at and examine.
The 1st week I was here I stayed in a beautiful home, where I was looked after so well and totally relaxed in the fabulous back garden and soaked up some yummy sun!
The 1st 2 days I think i jumped into the streets of London a little premature... and I immediately backed off and basked in the sun for the rest of the week...that's better!!
There are fabulous delicious food and antique markets all over London, one in particular Elizabeth and I love - Bourough Market - YUM! Fabulous organic farmers market. Meats, Fish, Smoothies, Bread, Sausage, Chocolate, Cheese, Pies, Veg, Fruit.....etc....!!! Totally crazy busy atmosphere at lunch, which adds to the excitement of the place!
Then there is this great walk all along the river... which extends along the entire city (pretty much).....
There are huge beautifully kept parks all over the city, which is so perfect - you get to go sit in the park with a sandwich and a book or bottle of wine and sit there and not even hear a car pass by! In the center of this huge city you get to sit in peace - right in the middle of it.....aaaahhhhh (deep breath).
Although - I miss Charleston...a lot.
There are some fabulous arty farty places - this is where you will find me! Amongst the boutiques and antique markets, the local artisans ...think Bermondsey street....

At home with the rents at the moment.... loving the family time.....not a huge fan of the isolation though! Must head back to London asap!
Job hunting is not as easy as..."puff you're hired", visit number one.....its more like, "we'll get back to you in 14days" after visit number 56!

Moving into my new place next tuesday!!
It is a great place! not too far out.... when asking my roommate was it a safe area - she said...."oh yes yeah...just last year there was a shooting and me and my roommate ran out to see what happened and we had to look after the guy who got shot until the ambulance arrived"....... i sat there staring..... oh right right.... perfectly safe!! :)

Soon I think I'd like to start getting some South Carolinian traffic this way por favor!!
Bring your coats!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sweet and Sour

Ok - totally random, but I love this ad!

I think it's a great example of people too....
It can work either way - you think you know a person and POOF - shock shock horror horror they stab you where it hurts (the heart!).. SOUR
Or you're not sure about someone - they seem to have a mean-ish streak to them - then you get to know them and aaaawwwww - so SWEET!

Why can't we just be one or the other?!
Why can't our nice words be produced by our actions and then backed up with consistency?
This would make knowing someone, friendships, relationships and marriages etc... just that bit easier!
We could actually Trust better.
We could understand one another.
We could at least expect something coming! Instead of NO signs! none!!
Which in tern allows the other one to prepare and at least approach situations with caution and a shield or sword!

So - a note to all you luke warm, in the middle, indecisive or even scared people -
Don't be a SOUR PATCH PERSON! Don't be Sour or Patchy!
Be Sweet - reliable - trustworthy - backing your words with their appropriate actions!
Sweet Patch People always produce just something lovely!!